
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2021

Global Warning

I made this because of the recent problem of the global warming and also for an english work.  

How do I behave towards others

How do I behave towards others Hi, my name is Eduardo. I'm from Cádiz. The question is;  How do I behave towards others? Thing is I have many friends but I behave and treat them depending on the friend and the mood of them aswell if they were or not talking nice to me. Leading this to a conclusion. I treat everyone kindly if they do the same with me aswell. Some days I'm a bit silly but that's normal, therefore I'm not sure at all.

The green children

            The Green Children It is about 2 kids that appears from nowhere and they speak in another language, also their skin was green. The children refused to eat any food, but someone brought them beans and they ate them. Sadly the boy died but the girl got better. After some time the girl learnt english and she told everyone her past.  Several people has tried to get to the bottom of this but Paul Harris developed a theory that explains this weird situation. The theory says that the children had a deficiency in the diet and that caused that their skin turned green.              My opinion about this theory is that thid is fake. I don't agree with the theory because it doesn't makes any sense